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Forwarded from Peter Bernegger
Wisconsin is NOT a purple state. State Senator Mary Felzkowski promoted this false narrative in a recent speech. We are a red state and here are the voter registration numbers:
Democrats: 1,476,973
Republicans: 1,797,688
Where there are 320,715 more Republicans than Democrats, a 21.7% advantage to Republicans. Instead, we have politicians running around claiming 'it will be razor-thin margins'. This false narrative is intended to condition us to expect another close election this year and to accept an unbelievable result before it occurs. It will allow the Republicans, who are doing nothing to remove millions of ineligible voters from the Wisconsin Elections Commission’s (WEC) registration list, to pretend Wisconsin’s November election result is legitimate as thousands of unverifiable illegal ballots are cast. The unbelievable election result we are conditioned to accept, is Joe Biden defeating Donald Trump in Wisconsin. But Republicans have been losing most elections (23 out of the last 25 statewide elections) because Robin Vos is putting up crappy RINO candidates - where real, conservative Republicans don't want to vote for these manufactured RINOS. Secondly, because the liberals are cheating in a variety of ways including inflating the statewide voter registration list. @MaryFelzkowski @VickiMcKenna @MarkBellingShow State Senator Felzkowski -

~ Peter Bernegger
Very troubling
Forwarded from Jack Posobiec
Jason DeBolt:

Once you start seeing videos of 20 year old kids begging for their lives before drones that are about to blow them up, this is a good time to pause as a human.

Did we really just see that and pretend that it was no big deal?

As a society we basically went from “robots shouldn’t kill” just a few years ago to swiping left at kids regularly getting blown up in drone footage, by robots. It’s happening now.

And yes, some of the night “vampire bomber” drones in Ukraine that destroy tanks are fully autonomous already.

I don’t think most of us are fully aware of what we are getting involved with here. I wasn’t fully aware until I saw that kid begging for his life.

Now imagine this isn’t an FPV drone with a human operator that can decide whether or not to pull the trigger, but an automated drone that doesn’t give a shit about your begging and praying. And there are tens of thousands of them in a swarm killing everyone in a city with extreme precision, and we don’t know who is controlling them. Ask yourself again, do we want this as a species?

After the Ukraine war is over, Ukraine will export their drones and drone expertise to other countries. A lucrative new industry will flourish. Nearly every country on earth will have millions of drones ready to be launched with launch codes, like nukes, to pre-programmed hard targets and even specific human populations. And leaders will be more likely to launch drones than nukes.

These will eventually be the most effective killing machines on earth, second only to nukes. But unlike nuclear weapons, automated killing drones will actually be used to kill hundreds of millions of people (or more) in this century.

AI powered drone swarms are effectively high precision nukes at scale but without the disastrous environmental impact of nuclear fallout. And they are relatively cheap and easy to manufacture by ONE PERSON.

Elon is right, all future wars will be drone wars. There’s nothing that will stop this.
This is horrific!
Forwarded from We The Media (𝑀𝑒𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓈𝒶)
ACB joins Roberts and 3 liberals to write opinion overturning Missouri lawsuit against Big Tech and Biden White House for violating 1A rights by banning criticism of COVID policies and 2020 election.

Julie Kelly

Justice Alito speaks for many in the free speech community in writing in dissent "this is one of the most important free speech cases to reach this Court in years." The court just took an off ramp.

- Jonathan Turley
Forwarded from Techno_Fog

On the Trump verdict...

The Democrats' show trial, summed up: "The enemies of society must be hunted, the obstacles to progress must be destroyed."
Forwarded from Techno_Fog
This debate is in June because they’re hoping voters forget Joe Biden’s senility by November.
Forwarded from Kari Lake
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WOW. Watch Joe Biden’s face as President Trump calls him out for opening the border… Every American should watch this clip. #PresidentialDebate
Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
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Newsom, the likely replacement for Biden, gets manhandled over his actions during the pandemic when he shut down businesses, arrested paddleboarders, shut down beaches, and prevented outdoor dining. 🔥🔥🔥

"Governor, why did you shut the beaches in California during Covid?
So you didn't know anything, why did you shut the beaches?
So you didn't let them go in the sunshine and get vitamin D and exercise so you shut the beaches. Ok. And you arrested a guy who was paddleboarding the bay.
Any science behind that? Any science at all behind shutting down outdoor dining? Why did you shut down outdoor dining?
Based on science? You shut down outdoor dining, you canceled businesses. That had nothing to do with science."